"Sky King," starring Kirby Grant and Gloria Winters, aired on NBC from 1951-52, then ABC from 1952-54. New episodes were produced from 1955-59 when the show went to syndication.
"Sky King" was the story of an Arizona rancher and airplane pilot named Schuyler "Sky" King, his teenaged niece Penny, and nephew Clipper. Penny and Clipper were also pilots, though still relatively inexperienced, and they often looked to their uncle for guidance and mentoring. The series took place on Sky's "Flying Crown Ranch," near the fictional town of Grover, Arizona. Sky's plane, a Cessna T-50 twin-engine bamboo bomber, was called the "Songbird."
Although the story was considered to be a Western, Sky always captured the bad guys, and found lost hikers as well, using his airplane.
With the permission of the original Flying Crown Enterprises, we have digitally re-mastered their original film from the Broadcast Masters.
NEW! This "Sky King" box set now includes our Historical Aviation Radio Shows CD!